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罗伯特W. 石膏商学院

collage of photos showing accounting and business students


罗伯特。W. 石膏商学院 is to equip students to pursue academic excellence through professional 程序s with a biblical worldview in a caring environment committed to the principles of free enterprise.



SBU's accounting degrees prepare 毕业生 for diversified careers in the practice of public accounting, not-for-profit accounting, internal auditing, federal taxation, and general accounting management, all with a Christ-centered worldview in order to prepare the 毕业生 to be servant leaders in a global society. 这个地区提供 两个专业:


SBU's business administration degrees provide students with a broad curriculum of study in business-related courses with a Christ-centered worldview, preparing them for diverse, ever-changing, global careers, and equipping them for continued education 和服务. 该地区设有9个本科专业:


SBU的罗伯特·W. 石膏商学院也提供mba课程 工商管理硕士 (MBA)研究生学历. 的 MBA 程序 has been established to enhance the professional and personal development of the students, and provide the foundation necessary for 职业发展.




的 认证 Council for Business Schools and 项目 (ACBSP) has accredited 以下是罗伯特W. 石膏商学院:

  • 会计、B.S.
  • 工商管理(传统),B.S.
  • 工商管理硕士.B.A.

的 traditional business administration 程序s that are accredited include 管理, 市场营销, 经济/金融, Public Relations, and International Business.

项目 not accredited by ACBSP include the Business Administration (Non-Traditional), B.S. which comprises the General Business major offered on the 萨勒姆 and Mountain 查看校园. Furthermore, the following majors have been recent additions to the College and as a result are not currently accredited by ACBSP: 计算金融, Cybersecurity 管理, 数字营销, and Sport Business. 所有程序都是 covered by SBU's overall accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).


的re are several different reporting measures the College utilizes in order to identify what our 毕业生 obtain as a result of their educational experience at SBU. 而 the pursuit of a Christian higher education has a number of intangible experiences, the items that follow will help to convey the educational significance our 毕业生 获得了.


的 主要现场测试 is a test given to students pursuing a bachelor’s degree by the ETS organization (the same company that administers the SAT test). 560所学院和 universities utilize this instrument to evaluate the capabilities of their soon-to-be 毕业生. 

According the ETS网站, “the ETS® 主要现场测试s are … outcomes assessments designed to measure the critical knowledge and understanding obtained by students 在一个主要的研究领域. 的 主要现场测试s go beyond the measurement of factual knowledge by helping you evaluate students’ ability to analyze and solve problems, understand relationships and interpret material from their major field of study.” 的 areas of study considered on the 主要现场测试 are:

  • 会计
  • 经济学
  • 金融
  • 信息系统
  • 国际问题
  • 法律与社会环境
  • 管理
  • 市场营销
  • 定量商业分析

ETS网站 goes on to say that, “ETS offers comprehensive national comparative data for the 主要现场测试s, enabling you to evaluate your students' performance and compare your 程序's effectiveness to 程序s at similar institutions nationwide.”

的 data is presented in percentiles with 99% being the highest ranking of those taking 测试和1%是最低的.  以下是宝博体育的学生如何 在过去的几个学期里表演过吗.

日期 SBU总体百分位数
2022-23 60百分位
2021-22 第67个百分位
2020-21 第83个百分位
2019-20 第87个百分位




的 CPA is administered by the American Institute of CPAs.  进行测试 在四个不同的部分.  这些都是:

  1. 审计和认证
  2. 营商环境及概念
  3. 财务会计与报告
  4. 监管

SBU 会计 毕业生 over a five-year average (2017-2022 毕业生) have passed CPA exam at a 70% first time, per-part rate versus a 53% national average. 而几乎 one-third of our accounting 毕业生 do not attempt the CPA exam for various reasons, approximately 50% of all SBU 会计 毕业生 are CPAs today.

Nearly 100% of our 毕业生 are employed in accounting positions prior to graduation.  Many of them have job offers before the end of their junior year.


Since 2013, we have actively tracked continuing education or job placement of our 毕业生. We want to know when our 毕业生 accepted employment offers or have been accepted into an additional educational 程序 such as an MBA, PhD, etc. 我们评估 this information at three different points of time: graduation day, three months after 毕业,以及毕业后的六个月. 下面的图表传达了 percentage of our 毕业生 that accept employment or are admitted into an educational 程序.



What follows is a non-comprehensive list of organizations that employ our 毕业生. It has been segmented according to each academic discipline area.

  • 中央银行
  • 密苏里州审计员
  • KPGM
  • 恩斯特 & 年轻的
  • ]
  • 鲁宾布朗
  • 莱格 & 普拉特
  • 均富
  • 柯克帕特里克,菲利普斯 & 米勒
  • 奥莱利汽车零部件公司总部
  • 埃森哲咨询公司
  • 市民纪念医疗
  • 欧洲核子研究中心有限公司
  • 达克溪科技
  • 欧洲核子研究中心有限公司
  • 市民纪念医疗
  • 玻利瓦尔银行
  • 杰克亨利 & 的同事
  • ]
  • 纽约人寿
  • 雀巢
  • 标志
  • 微软
  • 爱德华。琼斯
  • BNSF
  • 美国银行
  • 波音知识产权管理
  • 进步的保险
  • 奥莱利汽车零部件公司总部
  • 山姆会员店
  • 沃尔玛总部
  • 惠而浦
  • 利洁时(布达佩斯)
  • 通用电气金融(荷兰)
  • 海王星海事服务公司(澳大利亚)
  • 战略财务概念
  • 堪萨斯城联邦储备银行
  • Lockton公司
  • 西南电力合作社
  • 市民纪念医院
  • 联邦保护公司.
  • 菲尔公司.
  • 撒马利亚人的钱包
  • 联结治疗管理
  • SS&C技术
  • 大南岸
  • 欧洲核子研究中心有限公司
  • 德州南方浸信会基金会
  • Mid-Missouri银行
  • 欧扎克骨科
  • 美国国家保险公司
  • MFA公司.


的 rates for retaining students from their first to their second year within the 学院如下:

  商学院 大学
2022年秋季到2023年秋季 61% 67%
2021年秋季至2022年秋季 74% 74%
2020年秋季至2021年秋季 71% 71%
2019年秋季至2020年秋季 73% 73%


的 graduation rates for first-year, first-time degree-seeking students within the 学院如下:

  商学院 大学
2023年毕业的2017年秋季一年级学生 50% 52%
2022年毕业的一年级学生 54% 43%
2021年毕业的2015年秋季一年级学生 62% 51%
2014年秋季,2020年毕业的一年级学生 45% 50%




商学院课程 & 教练意味着





